Ines Miselem 
      Are we really as oblivious as we appear to be?
      Or is it just a pretense?
      Do we really not see how our planet slowly dies every day?
      Do we really forget to turn off an unused light or do we think it is just not necessary?       What is one more light in addition to all the ones that are also being used...
      Do we really not hear the leak from the kitchen’s sink, or do we think it is not necessary to turn off the faucet? What are a few more drops if already each day galons of water are either polluted or wasted...
      Do we really believe we are better than others just because we have a few more coins in our pockets? Do we really think it is not our problem to deal with? And we excuse ourselves...they do not work hard enough; some people are just born with more advantages than others and that is just the way life is...
      Do we really not care about innocent animals being murdered, not for necessity anymore, but for mere whim? What if it were the other way round and our children were the ones being slaughtered to become fashion accesories?
      Do we really fool ourselves when we look in the mirror and pretend we have achieved perfection by starving ourselves?
      Do we really not see the deep hole of violence in which the world has fallen into? The wars, the rapes, the murders...
      Yes, of course we see it, but we pretend we don’t.
      We pretend it is not necessay to turn off lights and faucets; we pretend we are to busy too help others or to save animals; we pretend we don’t see those are sick and those who suffer; we pretend there aren’t people living in the streets; we pretend thvre aren’t people dying in other countries; we pretend we are helpless; we pretend we don’t see...
And then we turn and walk away...with our eyes wide shut.